Friday, February 18, 2011

Am I Too Late?

I am writing this post because my mother and father went out :) I am Free!!!

I hope it is not too late for writing my first post in home.. I never wrote a post after GLPS was ended. Well.. I can still remember that our debate team (Dawon, Somin, Yeongju) won 1 debate with class 24, and lost with class 21. And after the debate, our family met Jaehwan (Kevin) and tried to eat lunch at the cafeteria.. but our family went outside and left KMLA (meaning GLPS) .. abandoning Kevin ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I am having a good time, and I am still text-messaging and calling some of my classmates (Joonyeong, Sanghyeon), and Dohyeong TA, and one of my roommates, Kim Daeun in class 24. And also, I e-mailed to Mr. Urban.

The conclusion is.. that I really loved GLPS and enjoyed that camp, and I am still TOTALLY missing it. : (
I am begging to my mother that I want to go to 16th GLPS camp.. but I don't think that my mother will let me go there. She says that I cannot study when I go to GLPS.. But I don't think so!

I think that I will end my post about here. Bye! I will write post again soon :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Compare & Contrast Essay: Out of My Window - Benoit

I am writing about one of the people who live in highrise; Benoit. He is French-Canadian and he is living in Montriol. I think his house looks normal, and very similar to us. However, something is different from my house in Bundang. Let's discover the similartieis and differences between my own home and Benoit's home.

His house looks like this.
I think this is kind of comfortable and good-looking house. But, it seems little smaller than our house. I actually really do not know my house's size, becasue our family moved in 20th of January, and I couldn't see that house because I was and I am still in GLPS. Anyway, I think the interior of the house is really similar with our house. But, there is difference, even though it seems there is no differences. It is the view out of the window. He first spots highway and lots of roads when he get the curtain off. I think this is different with my house view. Because I don't know my new house not very much, I will use my old house. My old house's view was not that, even though there were a few roads in there. At least, my house wasn't in the middle of the highway. I saw some trees, which changes rapidly in every season, and some people walking and playing around, riding bicycle, hurrying, or young child going with his or her mother. Also, it was very bright, and had not much cars, opposite with Benoit's home.

I think that this is the only things that I could write. This is the end of my compare and contrast essay. Thank you for reading my essay : )

Friday, January 21, 2011

Diamante Poem: Summer & Winter

사전 썸네일

Hot, Active
Swimming, Sweating,
Air Conditioner, Water, Hot pack, Bed
Skiing, Snowboarding, Skating
Cold, Furry

사전 썸네일

My Diary: Ski☆

Today, class 21 to 26 went to ski to Sungwoo Woobang Resort.

Today was the third time to go skiing in GLPS, and I was kinda boring of White team (Low Intermediate). I went to the White team because I was the one who rode ski for less than five times. However, I didn't really liked my ski teacher, so I went up to Blue team (Intermediate) with my roommate, Daeun. It was very loud in the bus, because of our class boys spoke too loud. Anyway, what I felt about Blue team was that..

I really loved it! We rode more than 7 times!!
Also, my teacher was very good, too. He was a boy, and he was very cool.
I had to go to that team at the first time.. I am really regretting about that..ㅠ
I'll post a video and a picture about ski^^ Bye~

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Class 23 Again^^

We have, obviously, two pictures.. because Mr. Urban offered to take one more funny picture! I really love our class.. I will be sad 9 days later!
Class 23 forever~~ I will write more later.. I have to go immediately;;

The Ode: Dear New House


Today, my family except me
will see you while moving.
But, I will see you about
9 days later, new house.

You're in Bundang, and
I think that it will be awkward
to see you at first.

However, I am really
waiting for the day
to meet you, new house.

I will miss my old house
in far, far, away, Suwon,
but I will soon become
used to you, I hope.

Today, we're moving
and I can't help my family,
and also I can't see you.

I hope that I'll be glad
after going inside of you.

I cannot meet my friend,
I cannot meet my teacher,
I cannot meet my neighbors,
and also I cannot go to
my old school.

I will miss very much of them,
I think it'll go very long,
but I hope that in Boondang,
that things will go much better.

I am really sad,
to go away from my old town,
but I am also really excited,
to experience new things!

I hope you give
lots of fortune
to my family and me!^^

Edited Speech

I'm alarmed!!!! There were too much people who's speech was funny and interesting, and too much people who were too much perfect in speech. I know this because I went to train and practice our speech yesterday, in Chungmoo building in the 1st study period. Actually, I think there is not very much hope that I will win the speech contest, because my enemies are middle school students. I am group 5 of speech contest, and I compete with class 21 to 26, and class 25 and 26 are middle school students. However, I will do my best on Saturday. Tonight, I have to go to auditorium to again train and practice. I think we will do the speech in front of our enemies. I will be verrrrrry nervouss;;; I have to practice to at least I do a good job and think by myself like that after I did my speech in speech contest!! Now, I will write my edited speech.

Hello, everyone.
My name is Na Eun Lee, and today, I will talk about “Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin”. Most of you may not know the relationship and the reason why I am comparing the two of them. However, they were actually born around the same time, because Hitler was born on the 20th of April, 1889, and Chaplin was born on 16th of April of the same year. Even though they lived during the same time and their environment's were similar, they became totally different people and became enemies. This can be mentioned because Charlie Chaplin made a movie that mocked Hitler and was sarcastic in nature. I will talk about Chaplin and Hitler more specifically, but I will first mention about their lives, and then I will discuss my opinion of them.
According to the article named 'Adolf Hitler', and 'Charlie Chaplin' in Navercast, Adolf Hitler and Charles Spencer Chaplin's childhoods were both hard and poor. Chaplin was born to Charles and Hanner Chaplin. Because his parents got a divorce, he lived with his mother and his older brother, Sydney. His mother was not very healthy and went to a mental hospital very often and the brothers lived from the money that the young 8 year old Charlie earned from the stage. He gradually became famous, and became an actor. However, after he became successful, his personal life was not easy. He married 4 times, but with three of his wives, their marriage didn't last very long. However, he lived his life with his fourth wife, Una Onil. Also, he was tormented by the banning of his movie in the United States, and he was also suspected of being a communist from others. And the worst thing that he had to endure was that he was banned from America for 20 years. Really, Charlie Chaplin's life was very hard and had a lot of sadness and torment.
On the other hand, Adolf Hitler was born to a public servant who was his father, and Clara Hitler his mother. He was shocked and tormented by the deaths of his brother and sister. However, the critical points for Hitler were the death of his mother, who he adored and the loss of Germany during World War I. He enlisted in the Bavarian army, and Hitler became braver and braver while serving as a soldier, but he was temporarily blinded by a mustard gas attack. The blindness may have been a result of conversion disorder called "Hysteria".
As I said, Hitler and Chaplin both had hard childhoods. Especially, Chaplin who had a lot of stress and problems while he was an adult, too, and had an unlucky life. Also, they were same in that they each had a something that they were very good at. Chaplin had good acting skills, and Hitler had good political skills. I think that this is may have been a result of the hardships that they had to endure during their childhood. Chaplin did not give up or become angry at society. Nor did he lose his mind until the day he died. But, Hitler became evil in dealing with his demons. These two people really have lots of differences, but they also have similarities. The easiest ones to find are their mustaches and their faces. However, I think that their personalities have no similarities. How could a kind and an evil mind have similarities?
In conclusion, there were two people who will be connected in the future. One grew up and became an infamous dictator, who gave people hardship and tears. Another child grew up and became a legend as an actor and movie director, who gave people happiness. They had similar environments during their childhood, similar hardships and they lived in the same period. They are really famous and infamous people; Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin, men who gave the world tears and joy during a tragic period in history.
This is the end of my speech. Thank you for your time and attention.

I have to encourage myself... Is there someone to encourage me?;;