Friday, January 21, 2011

My Diary: Ski☆

Today, class 21 to 26 went to ski to Sungwoo Woobang Resort.

Today was the third time to go skiing in GLPS, and I was kinda boring of White team (Low Intermediate). I went to the White team because I was the one who rode ski for less than five times. However, I didn't really liked my ski teacher, so I went up to Blue team (Intermediate) with my roommate, Daeun. It was very loud in the bus, because of our class boys spoke too loud. Anyway, what I felt about Blue team was that..

I really loved it! We rode more than 7 times!!
Also, my teacher was very good, too. He was a boy, and he was very cool.
I had to go to that team at the first time.. I am really regretting about that..ㅠ
I'll post a video and a picture about ski^^ Bye~

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