Thursday, January 6, 2011

GLPS Events

Hi there!! Good to see you again for a several sec's. ^^
Now I will tell you about GLPS's events.
There are many events in GLPS, yeah, many, but...
First, we have to do the 'English Pop Song Contest' in this saturday.
Our intensive class doesn't really have to do, but our class..
Our song is 'Best of Both World' by Miley Cyrus, who is Hannah Montanna.
This song is the OST of the TV program called; "Hannah Montanna".
Actually, we have to practice our song right now,
but since I said to come here, I can't cancel it.
So, I came here. Very poor, isn't I?
I really like pop songs...

Also, in the second saturday, we will do recreation.
I really like recreation!! It is very fun!!
Plus, we will do a speech contest in second saturday.
Again, our intensive class, people do not force, but I wanted to do because,
I think in the camps, we have to make our technology the MAXIMUM.
So, I came here to research my topic; Adolf Hitler and Charlie Chaplin.
I will compare and contrast them.
I really enjoy it.

I don't really know the third saturday's schedule,
BUT.. I know the fourth saturday's schedule, when is the last saturday and last day of GLPS.
We will do a debate. A Whole GLPS students!!
Our parents will see it. How embarrasing!!!

This is the end of my post.
I will post again when I think I need to introduce more detailed of GLPS.
Have a good time~~^^

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