Wednesday, January 12, 2011

About my speech & presentation

I'm in the computer lab right now. The things I have to prepare are my speech due tommorow and the presentation, which is due to the next week 17th.

My speech topic is about "Adlof Hitler & Charlie Chaplin".
TA Dohyeong Myeong teacher said this was very creative.
I am comparing two of them, because they grew up in the same time and same environment,
(Their birthdays are actually different just 4days.)
then they grew up in the really different and opposite people.

Also, my second presentation is about Princess Urraca in the movie "El Cid".
My first presentation was about Prince Sancho, so I had to pick the different one.
I think the best topic (=easiest) was Prince Alfonso. He has the most part and many things to write.
Also, El Cid was very good topic, even it was divided into three (Time).

Anyway, I have to research about these, and seriously, I have no time.
But I really like to write a post in the blog, so I will post only one today.
Actually, it is three because I posted while in the writing class - essay and about Mr. Crawford.

Bye~ See you later! I will update tommmorow, if it is available. ^^

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